Wednesday, September 10, 2008


School ramps up...posts ramp down. A few weeks ago we went to Santa Barbara. It was a great trip. We spend considerable time on the beach, ate a lot and just relaxed for almost a week. Unfortunately, school has taken a toll since then. I guess if I wasn't trying to dry in this cabin before it starts snowing I would be fine with catching up on school on the weekends but I think until October, things will be a bit heavy.

Part of our trip was picking up a door for our cabin that my brother-in-law built. He is a phenomenal carpenter and built the most beautiful door I could imagine for our site. It is perfect. Below are some pictures of it.
I really dig how thick it is. That is a quarter in case you were wondering...


Anonymous said...


that's a fabuloussss beast of a door. gonna need some pretty substantial hinges for that thing, huh? what type of wood is that? the bluish tinting kind of makes it look like beetle-kill pine.


Unknown said...

Wow dude that is some door, i love all the knots and the gray colors; but mostly i love how it will take a couple people to push it open.