Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Back to school minus the cool shoes

I haven't been back to school shopping since about middle school. It's a funny thing. All of a sudden kids are walking around with shiny shoes on. I know a kid in elementary school who just a few weeks ago had some new looking shoes on and I commented on them. But of course this week he had newer shoes on...to go back to school of course. I think I need some back to school shoes or something. Maybe ones with the lights all over them.

My three week break from school did not cut it. I have never been so unexcited about a current semester and it scares me a bit. I am still at that stage though....you know, the stage where you don't really have a grasp on how bad or possibly how good it is going to be. Regardless I am in it with one year left...kind of. I still have the MBA to finish but I am thinking I might take it a little easier and regardless I think it will be easier.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Piers are Done

Well, its been a month since the footings and now the concrete work is finally done on the cabin/hut/shed. I won't be able to get around to too much more this season because school is starting up again next week but at least it's started. I have a guy coming out to move some dirt around and by then the holes will be filled and ready to brave the winter months. My pops came up again to lend a hand which was really nice. We work well together and he seems excited about doing it. The pictures taken below are courtesy of my littlest sister. These phenomenal works of art are available for purchase, matte or glossy of course.
Mr. McGuckin....notice the wheel barrow plug, 10 cents a hit seems fair I think.

Overall site with finished piers (Still formed up)

We also stopped by the hatchery this trip. I had been to one in the past...say around age 9 or 10 and didn't remember much so it was cool to check it out. Here are some pictures of that.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

"Good" Music

I am a fan of "good" music. What that means, I do not know. But I like my life infused with a soundtrack. When I think about it I am surprised that I have never taken the opportunity to voice my musical opinion since beginning this log. Maybe it is because nothing has seemed to strike me as so amazing or just so utterly horrible to justify stating an opinion. Calm down Kelly Clarkson I haven't listened to your sophomore album yet!

Last night I went to see Marc Broussard at the Fox theater with my pops, my sister and her friend. I had hear some of his music and thought it was pretty good but his studio albums in no way prepared me for the amazing performance last night. His band was amazing. Their instrumental abilities were near perfection. That skill coupled with a thick charisma you could almost taste made for quite the show. They were all connected. Broussard's vocal range was phenomenal and only hinted at on the records I had heard before. Great Show.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Could I get a longer time out please

The second I get back from a nice weekend I went head first into a week of twelve hour days and weekend work. Ill. Next week looks nicer.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Break in the semesters

This past weekend I went to Santa Barbara with the wife. Her folks live out there so we have the great opportunity to make trips out there a couple times a year. Let me tell ya', it's really rough. It was a nice break from the heat. We went from scalding mid-90's in Colorado to a comfortable 72 the whole week we were there.
With the summer semester just ending, I took this trip as an opportunity to eat well, sleep well, relax well and visit with family and friends. I believe I took full advantage of all of the above, especially the eating well.
I have a problem. I am constantly in denial of the power of the sun. What is it in me that thinks I can expose my chest to the sun, it being the first time since about this time last year, and come out unscathed. Oh, I put spf...8 on but yeah....didn't quite cut it. At least I haven't peeled.....yet.