Sunday, November 1, 2009


Lately I have tried my hand at bouldering a bit. Honestly, I don't think I have ever said to myself, I really want to learn how to boulder. But, I work with a guy who lives for climbing so the opportunity came and I took it.

I didn't get it prior. Why wouldn't you want go higher? No Rope? How much time could you really spend on one boulder....if you made it to the top wouldn't you just move on?

These trips have really opened my eyes to a lot of things. This is really hard, technical, a lot of fun, nice and cool people.

Additionally I have seen some really amazing parts of this area that I didn't even know existed. There is something pretty cool about being high in the mountains, gazing out and seeing the ocean and then the Channel islands beyond that. It doesn't seem right but it is.

The strangest thing about these experiences has been the presence of FEAR. It's been a long time since I have felt that feeling. As I have aged, I have stuck with the hobbies I know and occasionally will experience fear but nothing like this. I am not sure if I like it but its different. I like the sport so far though. I reckon I had the same feelings when I was learning to ride a bike, learning to snowboard, walking alone in the dark, job interviews, talking to girls. Maybe the fear will pass overtime...unless its like job interviews.


Anonymous said...

The fear doesn't pass. I love bouldering for this reason. I think rock climbing in general became a sport for the sole purpose of making people feel alive. Climb on brother. Climb on.

Zooks said...

I am constantly amazed that boiuldering with NO ROPE!!!! is less scary than scuba diving.