A few years ago I tiled a spa-like bathroom and shortly after I told myself I would never lay tile again....unless it was in my own house. Turns out, I lied to myself. Before moving to California I helped a friend lay tile in his bathroom and NOW recently I have tiled yet again and this job was just as insane as the one those few years ago. It is finally done and turned out quite nice. It did take some time though. I think I was on the roof for just over two weeks. SD was manning the saw. Pretty good system but pretty killer.
The base of the dome is ten feet across and is a true half sphere. This equals out to about 160 square feet of tile and some serious cutting. It works out to be around 4000 2"x2" tiles and I would guess 70-75% of the tiles are cut in some way. This equals 2800-3000 cut tiles! Oh and then there are the red Saltillo tiles below....
Sometimes I post stuff on here. I wish I did more. It really is nice to write thoughts and experiences out even though I struggle with it. That's why most posts have a picture. "Yeah the writing sucks but at least there is pictures"
Kristian, that is INCREDIBLE! Seriously! You're talented, even if you don't particularly enjoy doing it.
How did you do that? It's incredible!! How long did it take?
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