Monday, June 23, 2008

Floor is in

Apparently my truck is rated to pull 5000 pounds. I don't think I would ever attempt that though. We had quite a load on it on Friday, not 5000 pounds but definitely quite a bit. She did fine but it was slow going on Monarch Pass, not to mention driving with a trailer at anytime adds a degree of unwanted stress...just one more thing to worry something flying off the trailer....oh is my back half in oncoming traffic..etc.

Anyway, the floor of the cabin is in and we managed to get a fair amount of sup
ply for next time up there as well.

The lady working the palm nailer...gotta love a woman that can handle pneumatic tools...well at least this woman....I am sure there are some pretty gnarly chicks out there into this sort of thing.

Putting the floor in...

And done!!!


Katie said...

Dude, that is looking BEAUTIFUL! It is going to be so awesome when you're done.

I'm way impressed.

Unknown said...

That's the finest floor I have ever seen!

Good to hear your Tacoma can still the work. A freaking Pilot couldn't do that.

Sarah G said...

nice work! Ja is so hard core.

I like the last picture of you two on the finished product.

Unknown said...

Wow that floor looks great its all downhill from there. My lady is pretty good on a shimano stimula with a spinning bait attached but she hasn't been tested on pnuematics yet.