Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Triple Bypass

This past weekend I did the Triple Bypass. It is a cycling tour from Evergreen, CO to Avon, CO and is about 120 miles. The route covers Squaw pass, Loveland pass and Vail pass with a fair amount of up and down in between. I rode it two years ago but didn't sign up in time last year so I signed up extra early this time around.
The ride was nice. I rode with a friend and we kept a pretty steady pass throughout. I felt better this time compared to last time. Now, whether that was because I knew what I was getting into or whether my physical shape was different.....I don't know. But, I can say that I really don't see how the pro riders do that multiple days in a row without stopping. Pretty phenomenal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey! i'm going to cali this weekend and won't be back until september...