Thursday, June 14, 2007

Spandex & Chainsaws

Often times after work I am torn between the numerous options of how to spend the remaining 3 hours of daylight (in the summer). Yesterday I was trying to decide whether to go on a bike ride or tune my chainsaw. Last trip up to the cabin I couldn't get the chainsaw to work and I left my carburetor adjustment tool in town. I have been meaning to get it working again for over a week now.

I came to the conclusion that I could actually fit them both in. I went on a nice 30 mile ride and came home. I jumped right into working on the chainsaw...I was already sweaty and didn't want to end up changing twice. A few minutes into my work and shortly after getting the engine going, revving it and causing quite a seen, it hit me. What kind of scene was I really creating? If my neighbor were to look outside he/she would have seen my lanky self clad in spandex shorts, flip flops and a bright jersey with chain saw in hand full throttle. Oh what a sight!

So yeah, chain saw's workin' and I am one step closer to getting in the cycling condition that I am aiming for.


Jocelyn said...

I wish I could have seen this.

Anonymous said...

Not me. I vomited in my mouth as I read that.