Wednesday, June 13, 2007

"What have you been up to man?"

"Uhhhh, well....I guess...uh....nothing really. Been working, school, and......that's about it."

My response would be the latter, the previous being the question I am asked fairly often. When we don't place enough value on the individual experiences in life it all tends to blend together and the reoccuring day to day actions are all that stands out. I haven't written in two weeks and I think what have I been up to......refer to line 2 for answer. But no, that isn't what I have been up to...there has been so much more.

- Had an excellent BBQ at my house
- Had a birthday celebration for my sister and sister-in-law.
- Went back up to the cabin site with a friend, dug pier holes for the foundation (which would have
been absolutely impossible without his help) and also squeezed in a beautiful bike ride while up
- Swore to get on my bike a whole lot more and have somewhat succeeded in doing so
- Taught a large group of children at church
- Tended to our lovely garden which seems to be really healthy despite our total lack of experience
in this realm.

I could list so much more as I think about it. What it comes down to is....I find some happiness at work and at school but it is completely outshined by the happiness I find in these other experiences yet I still answer "nothing" to the inquiry of how I am spending my time. I will work on that.

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