Wednesday, March 5, 2008


I kind of have this thing for the Nuggets and oh what a win this evening against Phoenix. But really.... interviews with Kenyon Martin are almost more entertaining than the actual games. Have you heard? I tried counting how many times he says "nomesayn" in a given interview and I'm always distracted by how utterly smooth he is regardless of this reoccurring connector phrase. A conjunction I think they call it. Yes, nomesayn is a conjunction or maybe its a.....I don't know some other grammatastical linkage of one sentence with another. Honestly though, the charisma is dripping off that player....I mean playa'. You don't think so? Okay that's you.
At the same time the Nuggets are thoroughly frustrating me. I just don't understand how good they can be one day and how bad they can be another. How can they blow a game against the Rockets and blow out the Suns. Oh and how can they get completely destroyed by the Celtics first and do work on them the next time around. I know it happens across the league but I really think its a little more extreme here in the mile high city. Okay fine, I will be happy with tonight and look forward to things going off on Friday.

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